

Age: 19
Ethnicity: Filipino
Occupation: Singer-Songwriter/Full-time student
Years of experience: Singing for 16 years, songwriting for 2 years.

Personal & Professional philosophy:
Everything happens for a reason. I am hopeful that I can conquer anything and that it’s important to always bring out the best in me. Life, is all about helping, loving, and caring for ourselves and others—making connections that help us grow and help others grow. As a singer and songwriter, my art will be open to interpretation by others, and all feelings are valid. I hope that when people hear my songs, they feel hopeful, heard, uplifted, appreciated, and know that they’re never alone.

Upcoming Performances/Projects:
I am currently working on new music to release as an album in the near future.

What is the highlight of your work?
I take pride in having released last year my first single and original composition, Over Myself which won a Joey Awards “Best Performance in a Recorded Song” for 2019.

Future Goals:
Have an album released in the near future, which I can’t wait for it to come into fruition.