Sophia Paskalidis


Ethnicity: Filipina, Greek.
Occupation and/or Company: Actor
Years of experience: I started acting for the stage at 7 years old, and started acting for the camera at 16 years old.

Personal & professional philosophy: Don’t take yourself too seriously — life is short and unpredictable, so don’t take things for granted, love with all your heart, and do what keeps the fire in your soul burning.

Upcoming performances/project: UBC’s Naked Cinema 5 airing on January 28, playing Hero in UBC’s production of Much Ado About Nothing running from November 8-24, and playing Isobel in UBC’s production of Lion in the Streets running from January 17-February 2.

What is the highlight of your work? Playing Tituba in UBC’s 2018 production of The Crucible by Arthur Miller. This challenging role proved to me that I can embody characters that I previously never considered to be in my “range”.

Future goals: After graduation, I hope to have the opportunity to share my professional performance training with the film and television industry, and continue learning my craft through the artists I work with along the way.