Isabel Kanaan
Ethnicity: Filipino
Occupation: Actor, Comedian, Writer, Producer
Years of experience: Eight years
Personal & professional philosophy:
My personal philosophy is to live a life of fun, love, and respect. My professional philosophy is to work to live and not live to work. It is sometimes difficult to separate you as a person and your work, especially as an artist. Set up this boundary and know that you are worth more than just your job.
Upcoming performances/ project:
I am very excited about the premiere of Abroad on OMNI TV starting April 24, 2022, plus Pulp Comedy on YouTube, Co-host on TFC’s BRGY, and Host on MYX News Hotlist.
What is the highlight of your work?
Creating, writing, and acting in my very own show Abroad – a sketch comedy show that centres around Filipino immigrant stories, and even if the stories are through a Filipino lens, they are so relatable that they cross a multi-cultural platform.
Future goals:
I don’t like setting professional goals as these may always change but one thing will not – I plan on spending more time with my family in the future. That is my current goal.