Hera Nalam


Age: 25
Ethnicity: Filipino-Canadian
Occupation and/or Company: Actress, singer-songwriter
Years of experience: 4 years of study, 2 years professionally

Personal & professional philosophy:
Kindness is key, hugs are for free, sing, breathe & just let it be

Upcoming performances/project:
Hera Nalam is part of a creative collective based in Winnipeg called Kreative Fvckers. This collective is a multi-media brand that focuses on fashion and video.

What is the highlight of your work?
First, I was cast as a lead on my first ever feature film created by one of Canada’s renowned directors, Sean Garrity. And second, I would have the chance to produce four of my own live shows (#LateNightJamsWithHera) with my incredibly gifted band.

Future goals:
One day I would love to act on screen with Johnny Depp. Release my own full length album & perform at the Araneta Colosseum. And then eventually write a book/play.