Frances Lorraine Samson


Age: 22
Ethnicity: Filipino
Occupation and/or Company: Limón Dance Company
Years of experience: I have been dancing since the age of five.

Personal & professional philosophy:
Embrace your inner child. Be driven by your curiosity (we are lifelong learners) and don’t fear embarrassment, even “failures” warrant an outcome.

Upcoming performances/ project:
Limón Dance Company – Pennsylvania (October 25)
Limón Dance Company – New York, New York (November 1)
DUMBO Dance Festival – Brooklyn, New York (October 11 & 13)
The Gravity Between at Teatro Basilica – Rome, Italy (December 17-22)

What is the highlight of your work?
Investigating the complexity of the human body and spirit through Limón’s language and repertoire. I am inspired by current and former dancers of the Limón Dance Company.

Future goals:
To continue researching José Limón’s repertoire and principles. New information and perspectives deepen my current understanding of the work and my body’s physique. To build my voice as an educator. To continue to expand The Gravity Between project, carving new channels of network between people, countries and disciplines of art.