Belinda Corpuz

Tyra Sweet Photography - Belinda Corpuz2

Age: 27 years old
Ethnicity: Filipina – Canadian
Occupation: Multidisciplinary Artist – Actor, Singer/Musician, Composer, Creator
Years of experience: over 10 years
Personal & professional philosophy:
Approach all things in life with truth, risk, trust, empathy, humility, and love.

Upcoming performances/ project:
Tita Jokes (Tita Collective/Next Stage Festival), Lady Sunrise (Factory Theatre), All the Little Animals I Have Eaten (Nightwood)

What is the highlight of your work?
Being unapologetically Filipina through my work with the Tita Collective. Having the opportunity to breathe life into new characters, exploring new worlds, and states of being. Learning from and connecting with fellow artists, and getting to share with them the opportunity to connect with a new audience every night.

Future goals:
A long, fulfilling life in the arts – to always be creating, performing, experiencing and sharing it with the world. To continue creating work that is meaningful to the Filipin* community