Ann Paul Bautista


Age: 27
Ethnicity: Filipina-Canadian
Occupation: Actor, Singer, Creator
Years of experience: over 10 years

Personal & professional philosophy:
Art is a universal medium for healing. Welcome, experience, share, and believe in the arts.

Upcoming performances/ project:
Currently: Peter Pan (Soulpepper and Bad Hats Theatre)
Upcoming: Tita Jokes (Tita Collective/Next Stage Theatre Festival), Grow (Grand Theatre London)

What is the highlight of your work?
Creating the Tita Collective with some of the most incredible artists I’ve ever had the pleasure of collaborating with and then telling the stories I wanted to hear growing up with them is the biggest highlight for me!

Future goals:
Be a leading lady on a main stage musical as well as taking Tita Collective all over the world!